2024 Workshops
Join Donna Gambino for Pilates Summer Camp! Only 3 spots left ! Great 7 weeks to try out a series. ALL are Pilates based with a fun twist for summer. Please share with a friend
(* hoop class may be changed to another class and hoop moved to a walk in at a different time. We would just replace with another fun option)
New workshop with Donna Gambino, PT at My Pilates Studio.
Thursday 9:30 Pilates Mat Workshop.
Class sessions are usually 6 or 8 weeks, have a theme topic to help you learn and experience change while performing your Pilates exercises with props and ending with strategic meditations to change the brain for better movement and pain management.
If you would be interested in attending this new Pilates Mat workshop, contact the studio at 937-438-5151 to let us know.